It was 20 years ago, today!!!

May 20, 1994: I was working for a local (Boston) radio station and had the chance of a lifetime to broadcast from high above Foxboro Stadium the morning of the final show (of three) in New England. As it turned out, this was the next to last flight for the Airship Division Bell. After the flight I was on, the Airship left for North Carolina (I believe), and was destroyed in a storm a about a month later. Not only did I get to fly in the Airship Division Bell, I also got to fly it. But that is a story for another day.

Memories that will last a lifetime.

I originally posted these photos to Echoes on May 21, 1994,
then on the 10th anniversary, and now, the 20th.
Next posting will be in 5 years. See ya'll then...
